Documentary Films


Early production is underway for Return of the Black Madonna, a full-length feature documentary chronicling my adventures as a Black American ex-pat in Mexico to learn to swim, dive, and map sunken slave ships while meeting a group of Black maritime archeologists.

Return of the Black Madonna is inspired by being haunted by images of my ancestors and striving to overcome epigenetics, a deadly illness, societal misconceptions, and multigenerational fears about swimming and open water.

The project has received funding from the Ford Foundation, Adobe, and hundreds of individual supporters who care about immersive film experiences that inspire audiences to live authentically, dismantle generational barriers, and embrace joy.

As a result of making the film, I founded Woodbine Ventures, a nonprofit dedicated to producing independent film and television narratives aligned with our abovementioned mission. I believe films can be used as a platform to discuss the urgent issues of our time and remain with us long after the screen goes dark.

Woodbine Ventures’ Film Division designs and curates impact events and educational materials that bring communities together to create a revolution by conversation.


I discovered the positive effect of independent documentary filmmaking on Black communities while producing the series Detroit Rising: How the Motor City Becomes a Restorative City.

Teamed with Cassidy Friedman, a restorative practices documentarian, I explored beneath the headlines of Detroit as a violent, decaying city. What I found surprised me. Detroit has a rich tapestry of Black grassroots leaders spearheading efforts to repair harm, restore relationships, and build social capital one conversation at a time.

We launched Detroit Rising in July 2020 to a global audience of 500 people. I received emails from a social worker with experience in South Africa and a staffer at the New York City Fire Department asking to purchase the series and how to integrate restorative practices in their community.

Detroit Rising also earned acclaim from the San Francisco Independent Short Film Festival, the Cyrus International Film Festival, the Venice Shorts Festival, and the Denton Black Film Festival.